Friday, June 23, 2006

Why Digital Photography ?

Photography could be Fun, Hobby or a Profession... but it surely interests many different people across a broad range of ages. Technology also hasn't left it behind, with the advent and unbiquitous adoption of digital imaging technologies like digital cameras, scanners, photo printers and digital image editing softwares more and more enthusiasts have found a creative recreational hobby in photography.

There was a time when individuals interested in photography had to bear high investments. To get a serious start one had to purchase an SLR (Single Lens Reflection) camera, some dark room equipments and also the developing supplies.

With "Digital Photography" an individual has a much lower cost to pay to start with photography in a serious way. Compact cameras cost from US$50 and upwards, while a more creative and quality conscious "Digital SLR Cameras" are becoming more and more affordable starting anywhere from US$700 and upwards upto US$2000. A quality digital camera and an equally good image editing software is all needed to get started.

The real advantage is the "Flexibility" in digital photography. One can review, delete and print only those pictures which are needed - No more fuzzy out of focus prints.

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